Jeffrey Singer: The “Doctor for Liberty” on Opioid Abuse | by Bob Zadek | Medium : Dr. Jeffrey Singer, an Arizona surgeon and Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute, has a message that some Americans will consider a bitter pill to swallow: People will always use drugs, and many will… " TRANSCRIPT Bob Zadek : Welcome to The Bob Zadek Show , the longest running live libertarian talk radio show on all of radio. Thank you so much for listening. In the life of the average American, there are two institutions that exist to protect and look after our self interest and our well-being. These are the government, to whom we pay a fee to take care of us, and the entire medical health care community, who we pay through fees and premiums and the like. When we pay that medical community, we expect one thing in return. That they will look after our best interests and protect us from harm. That’s a fair summary of the structure of life in America and how we are protected. What happens if t...