Rare complications
Listen to how he says "rare" - fortunately YouTube's algorithm can't apparently understand inflection for he doesn't mean it.
1 day ago
So rare - there were 3 heart attacks at my husbands work last month, a car accident up the road last week - heart attack at the wheel, two neighbours both dead - heart attacks, my dad's heart condition (after shot no. 1), my mother's friend dead 1 week after 2nd shot - and yes you guessed it heart attack. So rare.
Robin NixonRobin Nixon
1 day ago (edited)
I had palpitations after the second dose, and also the third. I took magnesium to alleviate this. After the third I also had several loss of use events of my right hand and arm over about 48 hours which A&E told me was carpal tunnel syndrome (without Xray, MRI or any other test), but which I believe may have been minor strokes. Also my BP was through the roof during that episode.
Sheilasydney Notyerbizniz
As a former nurse I am very well aware that up to 2021, my.oc.ar.di.tis was indeed rare. As of 2021 it is not. And we are told left is right, up is down, politicians and health institutions never lie, and doctors are not to be believed but censored. I think everyone with half a braincell has learned to read between the lines by now. Thank you John, you are one of the very rare doctors with integrity left it seems.
Francesca G
John-It was very hard for me to listen to this informative video. My brother, age 64 had three Pfizers and had syncope. In the ER his ECG was abnormal and it showed NSVT. His Troponin level when he arrived in the ER was 6 and they rechecked his Troponin level 8 hours later and it was critically high 92 (they ruled out that he did NOT have a heart attack). He was admitted to the heart hospital overnight and they ran every imaginable heart test except a cardiac MRI (which would have confirmed that he had Myocarditis). Not one doctor or nurse on his team acknowledged that he had a critical high Troponin level nor did they retest it again. They also never told him about it. The next day they discharged him and he died three days later while having dinner. He simply closed his eyes and he died, gone.. Can you imagine what his Troponin level could have been three days later? His cardiologist told me he did NOT die from a traditional heart attack, he died from a VT. It was very hard and painful for me to read all of his medical reports and I contacted a medical malpractice lawyer. Someone has to be held accountable for my brothers unnecessary death. I am not a doctor but I am convinced he had heart muscle damage and myocarditis. When my brother was discharged from the hospital he was told that he got a clean bill of heath (this makes me so angry) despite having a critically high Troponin level. Perhaps doctors are not connecting the dots because my brother was NOT a young male. I think Myocarditis can happen at any age, even a few months out after getting 3 or 4 jabs. Thank you for making this video and exposing real information.
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