
Showing posts from January, 2023

Cops Practicing Medicine | Cato Institute

Cops Practicing Medicine | Cato Institute : Government and law enforcement increasingly surveil and influence the way doctors treat pain, psychoactive substance use, and substance use disorder.

Statement From Medical Professionals & Scientists Supporting Parental Rights and Medical Freedom • Children's Health Defense

Statement From Medical Professionals & Scientists Supporting Parental Rights and Medical Freedom • Children's Health Defense

Independent Autopsy Confirms 26-year-old Fiancé Died of Myocarditis 2 Weeks Post Pfizer | Childrens Health Defense

Independent Autopsy Confirms 26-year-old Fiancé Died of Myocarditis 2 Weeks Post Pfizer | Childrens Health Defense : After Brett Nairn’s son, Rory, was vaccinated for COVID, he collapsed and died suddenly — at a devastating time. How did his tragic passing impact the family...

More Than 1,000 New Brunswickers Report Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccines + More • Children's Health Defense

More Than 1,000 New Brunswickers Report Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccines + More • Children's Health Defense

Part 1: Here We Go Again On Steroids | Childrens Health Defense

Part 1: Here We Go Again On Steroids | Childrens Health Defense : Help Children’s Health Defense and RFK, Jr. end the epidemic of poor health plaguing our children. Do not forget - they want to put the mRNA in the food supply. #NeverForget

The Tragedy of Danny and Gretchen Eliott, their doctor and the DEA


Dr. Peter McCullough on V*ccine Adverse Events & the Perils of 'Settled ...


WEF Threatens Elon Musk To Follow Orders “Or Else!”


Senator Ron Johnson LIVE w/ Dr. Kelly Victory – Ask Dr. Drew


mRNA Is "Natural Born Killer" Says Drug Inventor Dr. Richard Urso w/ Dr ...

The bi-valent vax makes people more susceptible to COVID. The lipid nanoparticles are toxic "mRNA Is "Natural Born Killer" Says Drug Inventor Dr. Richard Urso w/ Dr Kelly Victory – Ask Dr. Drew Dr. Richard Urso is an outspoken critic of mRNA treatments for COVID-19 and the dangers of its lipid nanoparticles. He has widely encouraged the use of existing, repurposed drugs to fight the coronavirus. As a drug inventor (and holder of the patent for an FDA-approved medication), Dr. Urso has a deep understanding of the FDA's normal regulatory process. ABOUT DR. URSO Dr. Richard Urso is the sole inventor of an FDA approved wound healing drug. He’s been involved in Covid-19 since February 2020. He treated his first patient March 12, 2020 and has successfully treated over 2600 COVID patients since. He’s a Co-Founder of the Global Covid Summit which has 17000 Doctors and Scientists. He’s been in the White House, in Congress and he’s testified in the US Senate. He's worked w...

BREAKING! Germany just declared war on Russia, Biden escalates with tank...


BREAKING: Emails show CDC policed COVID speech on Facebook.


Doctor Censorship Hidden In $1.7 Trillion Bill: Dr. Joel Zinberg on FDA'...

They're going to try to sneak this in every chance they get ever since they've been exposed. They need watching more now than ever.

Chief Lockdown Architect REVEALED: Jeffrey A. Tucker Discusses w/ Dr. Ke...


Are Federal Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids Hurting Patients With Chr...

I don't normally post anything from Democracy Now, but this is an exception. They nail this one. States have taken and turned this into a war on pain patients. They knew that it was illicit drugs causing the problem. Sessions was wrong. It's not the prescriptions causing the problem.

Tucker Carlson: This is the purest expression of power

WOW. Biden doesn't think drunk driving is a felony.

Facebook's SECRET EMAILS Show Company Desperately Pleaded for Government...

Censorship has no place in a free country.

The DEA Shut Down a Pain Doctor. Now 3 People Are Dead.

The DEA Shut Down a Pain Doctor. Now 3 People Are Dead.   5 out of 240 patients didn't meet the definition of the DEA's definition of a "chronic pain patient" and that's why they went after him. That's not the DEA's job (to determine if you're a CPP). This is insanity.

Lies and Censorship Over Covid Vaccines and Real Deaths


Rare complications

Listen to how he says "rare" - fortunately YouTube's algorithm can't apparently understand inflection for he doesn't mean it. D C 1 day ago So rare - there were 3 heart attacks at my husbands work last month, a car accident up the road last week - heart attack at the wheel, two neighbours both dead - heart attacks, my dad's heart condition (after shot no. 1), my mother's friend dead 1 week after 2nd shot - and yes you guessed it heart attack.  So rare. Robin NixonRobin Nixon 1 day ago (edited) I had palpitations after the second dose, and also the third. I took magnesium to alleviate this. After the third I also had several loss of use events of my right hand and arm over about 48 hours which A&E told me was carpal tunnel syndrome (without Xray, MRI or any other test), but which I believe may have been minor strokes. Also my BP was through the roof during that episode. Sheilasydney Notyerbizniz As a former nurse I am very well aware that up to 2021, my...

Elon Musk Just Exposed All Barack Obama And Joe Biden's Corruption! In 2022


EXCLUSIVE: Pfizer's secret guide for how to make a vaccine "safe and effective"

EXCLUSIVE: Pfizer's secret guide for how to make a vaccine "safe and effective" : It is so easy. Here's how they did it.

EXCLUSIVE: Pfizer's secret guide for how to make a vaccine "safe and effective"

EXCLUSIVE: Pfizer's secret guide for how to make a vaccine "safe and effective"

Ronald Chapman Trial Acquittal of Lesley Pompy, M.D.


Sen Malcolm Roberts Carbon Tax


Even more proof: Masks don't work

Even more proof: Masks don't work

Media Blackout Over Terror Incident At US Power Plant: 106 Sabotaged Sub...


There aren't enough hazmat suits for this mess: Sen. Kennedy


Mark Levin torches DOJ over timeline of Biden document discoveries | Fox News Video

 Funny they didn't conduct a full raid like they did on Mara Lago.     Mark Levin torches DOJ over timeline of Biden document discoveries | Fox News Video

(21) Chief Nerd on Twitter: "🚨 BOMBSHELL: New FOIA Documents Reveal the COVID Pandemic Was a DoD Operation Dating Back to Obama "The Pentagon controlled the COVID-19 program from the very beginning and everything we were told was political theater to cover it up right down to the FDA vaccine approval"" / Twitter

(21) Chief Nerd on Twitter: "🚨 BOMBSHELL: New FOIA Documents Reveal the COVID Pandemic Was a DoD Operation Dating Back to Obama "The Pentagon controlled the COVID-19 program from the very beginning and everything we were told was political theater to cover it up right down to the FDA vaccine approval"" / Twitter

Adam Schiff faces bombshell accusation from reporter


Crenshaw Apologizes: Calling Some GOP Colleagues Terrorists Was 'Turn of Phrase' During Tough Negotiations

 No, that was a RINO and a leftist thing to do. He should be ashamed. Democrats have pulled many stunts worse than that to get bills passed or to prevent taking needed action on something. I used to like him. What a disappointment he's been. Crenshaw Apologizes: Calling Some GOP Colleagues Terrorists Was 'Turn of Phrase' During Tough Negotiations

Myocarditis: Not Rare, Not Mild & Much Greater Risk From COVID-19 Vaccination Than Infection

Myocarditis: Not Rare, Not Mild & Much Greater Risk From COVID-19 Vaccination Than Infection One guy died from it while looking it up on his cell phone. PEOPLE KNOW - correction - EVERYONE KNOWS.

FDA DOCUMENTS: 400% Increase In Severe Adverse Events Seen In 6-23 Month Old Babies From Moderna mRNA Vaccines | Pfizer Vaccine mRNA Found In Liver Cells | The Montréal Vaccine Riot | ETC

FDA DOCUMENTS: 400% Increase In Severe Adverse Events Seen In 6-23 Month Old Babies From Moderna mRNA Vaccines | Pfizer Vaccine mRNA Found In Liver Cells | The Montréal Vaccine Riot | ETC

Kīlauea Volcano Live Stream - Halemaʻumaʻu crater

Pretty awesome - as long as that's where it stays.

Caught On Video Armed Atlanta Woman Shoots At Criminals Ambushing Her At...


Preferred Terms for Select Population Groups & Communities | Gateway to Health Communication | CDC

Just say no to wasting so much breath when language is accurate and true, and not meant to be offensive.   Preferred Terms for Select Population Groups & Communities | Gateway to Health Communication | CDC

Opioids and the management of chronic severe pain in the elderly: consensus statement of an International Expert Panel with focus on the six clinically most often used World Health Organization Step III opioids (buprenorphine, fentanyl, hydromorphone, methadone, morphine, oxycodone) - PubMed

Opioids and the management of chronic severe pain in the elderly: consensus statement of an International Expert Panel with focus on the six clinically most often used World Health Organization Step III opioids (buprenorphine, fentanyl, hydromorphone, methadone, morphine, oxycodone) - PubMed

CDC releases updated guideline for prescribing opioids for pain - Mayo Clinic News Network

CDC releases updated guideline for prescribing opioids for pain - Mayo Clinic News Network

Near Infrared Light (940nm) Improves COVID Outcomes: Exciting Randomized...


The Epidemiologist (P-value + Ecological) Fallacy Exposed


