Listen to how he says "rare" - fortunately YouTube's algorithm can't apparently understand inflection for he doesn't mean it. D C 1 day ago So rare - there were 3 heart attacks at my husbands work last month, a car accident up the road last week - heart attack at the wheel, two neighbours both dead - heart attacks, my dad's heart condition (after shot no. 1), my mother's friend dead 1 week after 2nd shot - and yes you guessed it heart attack. So rare. Robin NixonRobin Nixon 1 day ago (edited) I had palpitations after the second dose, and also the third. I took magnesium to alleviate this. After the third I also had several loss of use events of my right hand and arm over about 48 hours which A&E told me was carpal tunnel syndrome (without Xray, MRI or any other test), but which I believe may have been minor strokes. Also my BP was through the roof during that episode. Sheilasydney Notyerbizniz As a former nurse I am very well aware that up to 2021, my...