Christopher Essex on suppressing scientific inquiry | Climate Etc.

Christopher Essex on suppressing scientific inquiry | Climate Etc.

"Accusing scientists of venal motives when they raise questions about climate has come to be what passes for scientific debate. Al Gore recently renewed calls for climate deniers (as they are pejoratively called by the dogmatists) to be punished. This follows brazen political-style attacks on scientists because of their views on climate. In particular there has been an aggressive assault questioning our ethics, morality, competence, and even sanity. It has been amazingly coordinated, coming simultaneously from a number of fronts: activists, Congress, Hollywood, and even some psychologists.

This entire assault could not be more anti-scientific. The protagonists are political interlopers in science who do not understand or respect the nature of scientific truths and how they are discovered, let alone how they are justified. One of the greatest lessons from the history of science is that humans don’t only get things wrong, but they stubbornly hang on to the stupidest of ideas to the bitter end. I do not absolve myself from this; it is my legacy as much as yours.

 "The dogmatists and followers of Eris have destroyed the collegial atmosphere among scientists, and they push for scientists on the wrong side of their dogma to be treated as enemies of the state, as we have all recently witnessed. Science, as a whole, has been damaged by them....."

 It's not just climate science any more. We saw the same thing happen with COVID treatments. No one was allowed to discuss or share cheap, effective treatments with a proven record of saving lives, including those of Democrat legislators. We were not allowed to criticize those treatments that were truly harmful. Drugs were forced on people that caused kidneys to fail and early outpatient treatment was not allowed. People died as a result. There were studies that were "designed to fail" including those which overdosed people. This is madness. We must find a way back to science done with rigorous honesty and intent, not science based on profit.



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