SCOTUS didn't actually ban abortions. They just turned it over to the states where they can still get one.
That said, why wouldn't you try to avoid getting pregnant to start with by using contraception or abstinence?
Diaphragms, tube tying, vasectomies, spermicidal foam/jelly, IUDs, the pill, condoms, abstinence. The time to choose is before having sex. Why are they stuck on just abortion? They didn't have all the choices in the 60's that they have now. There's no need for anyone to get pregnant that doesn't want to be.
The men should be upset with pro-abortion women. You see, a woman has all those ways of preventing a pregnancy, but if she refuses to take advantage of them and gets pregnant and wants to abort the child, it's his kid they are killing.
Speaks volumes about what that woman thinks of him if she doesn't want his kid. #NoNeedForAnyoneToHaveAnAbortion
#AnOunceOfPrevention #NotJustHerKid #AbortionIsNotHealthCare #Abortion #Diaphragms #TubeTying #Vasectomies #Spermicidals #IUDs #ThePill #Condoms #Abstinence #Choices.
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