Domestic Terrorism Defined Down to Mean Supporters of Former President T...
"This kind of thing is designed to drive people insane."
We had the left rioting all summer and we have one "protest" gone wrong. It really wasn't the protest because what happened at the Capitol started an hour before those listening to the speeches got there. They weren't there. Antifa was, though. There are videos of them changing clothes in the bushes. There are videos of patriots telling the police to call backup. My guess is that innocents got sucked into antifa's planning somehow or just followed them in later after it was already wide open.
What's clear though, is that Biden was not referring to last year's violence, looting, and burning. It was a reference to what happened on the 6th. A one time incident that still needs further investigation. Those were not true Trump supporters. Nobody supported what those people did. Btw, Iowa's Chuck Grassley says ""As the sun sets 3 days after rioting/burning/looting began in Portland & Seattle I’m still waiting for Pres Biden &other leading Democrats to condemn these outrageous acts. Are they willing to condemn anarchist/Antifa violence?? I’ve condemned violence from both sides" - Chuck Grassley
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