Commentary: Stapling Green Cards to Diplomas Is Stupid and Suicidal

Commentary: Stapling Green Cards to Diplomas Is Stupid and Suicidal

"Kirk displayed his cluelessness about immigration policy and law by
claiming at OSU that green cards provide only “temporary” residency
(it’s permanent) and don’t lead to U.S. citizenship (they provide a
direct path). He also showed an abject lack of “logical sense” when he
argues that America should put all temporary F-1 visa holders on the
path to citizenship because we shouldn’t “export intellectual investment
that we made within our own university.”

The original intent of
the F-1 program was to invest in foreign students’ education in order to
benefit America by creating goodwill ambassadors who return to their
home countries, not to create cheap workers for U.S. companies. Kirk and
the tech lobby argue that since we educate F-1 students, we shouldn’t
send them home. Yet, every foreign student is required to certify on the
I-20 form, as a condition of admission, that:

'I seek to enter
or remain in the United States temporarily, and solely for the purpose
of pursuing a full course of study at the school named on page 1 of this


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