
Showing posts from March, 2020

Medical Experts Discuss Dr. Zelenko's Coronavirus Hydroxychloroquine Tre...


WHO's Tedros Adhanom Should be Tried for Crimes Against Humanity


Dr Deborah Birx DEBUNKS Fake NYC Hospital Stories!


WTF Did She Just Admit During the C-Vi-Rus Response Briefing?


Peter Hitchens attacks coronavirus lockdown


Exclusive Look Inside New York and New Jersey Hospitals Battling Coronav...




Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi - Corona-Krise Nachtrag 2 - Schreckensszenario...

For English, use close captioning - they are wrongfully counting patients as Corona virus deaths, inflating the numbers.

FACTS: Why Trump is Right on Chloroquine! | Louder with Crowder

That's not what was in the fish tank cleaner.

Ben Shapiro Breaks Down $2 TRILLION Stimulus Spending Bill


A big channel change. I wasn't planning on this but...

Free Mug Club for a month

We're Living in 12 Monkeys


We're Living in 12 Monkeys


Why a patient paid a $285 copay for a $40 drug


What is a Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM)? -- Longer version


#Starburst Launch Successful


LaRouche Addresses Coronavirus Crisis in 1998

"In 1998, Lyndon LaRouche presented a speech, “How the Top 1% of Americans Think.” Not the top 1% who are rich, but Americans who decided to think their way through an international financial collapse and the spread of deadly viruses. He outlined how we got to our present rotten state in real economy and healthcare. He said we had to become angels and go to war against the intellectual and moral stupidity which put us in this crisis. How do you think about reconstructing the real economy after the tremendous hit it is going to take? That challenge is what LaRouche answers in this presentation."

Dr. Richard 'Red' Lawhern




Vitamin D and immunity


Greta, Wuhan and 1919 - March 11, 2020 CDN Newsletter Readout


Bat meat remains popular in Indonesia despite coronavirus fears


Don't Expect Millions To Die From Coronavirus, Says Richard Epstein


Coronavirus and Climate Change - #PropagandaWatch


Dr.SHIVA LIVE with Chuck Woolery and Mark Young on CoronaVirus


Solution for Fake Science Destroying You and the Economy


Frozen Snakes, Monkeys, Crocodiles, For Sale at Cameroon Market Amid Cor...


Stunning insights into the Corona-panic by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg.

"Seriously, take the time to watch this pulmonologist.  It will help you relax and realize that  coronaviruses have always been around.   People have always died from the flu virus. While it’s important to avoid people when you are sick or compromised, it’s also important to recognize a  hyped-up story lacking science. Similarly to Lyme/MSIDS, there’s an  accepted narrative – which squashes all critics.   It is being driven by those who desire power, recognition, and money.  Science has taken a back seat and politics are the driving force behind this."

Ben Shapiro SLAMS China Over Spread Of Coronavirus

"...these wet markets are these animal markets where people are eating civets.....bats....snakes....this has now been responsible for Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, H1N1, and this, so we have seen virus after virus after virus emanating from these wet markets..  This has been a problem for decades. This is nothing new. Going all the way back to the 50's there was the Asian Flu. Seriously, how many lives would have been saved if the Chinese government would have used one ounce of their authoritarianism cracking down on what ought to be illegal activity.  .can we all afford to do this every 4-5 years? Because that's the future - the future is that once every four or five years - once every ten years - there will be another virus emanating from China which has yet to shut down this stuff and then has covered it up in an authoritarian fashion and they unleash it on an unsuspecting global community"

COVER-UP: China’s Coronavirus Lies Explained | Louder with Crowder

@6:47 He's right: "Since when was being Chinese a race? Chinese is not a race;  China is a nationality." - He then goes on to explain that China has all kinds of races/ethnicities. 

Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19


Why do we have Seasons? Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter - Science for Kids

Because alarmists think that CO2 determines climate, I figured they need to start at the kiddie level

Should EVERY American get $1,000?

No, not every American should get $1,000. Assistance must be income/needs based. There are people who can deal with this shut down with plenty of money left over. They need to go through the process of applying for it and prove they were indeed impacted and that they meet financial requirements.

An Objectivist Individualist: Further Evidence of Biden's Cognitive Decline -- H...

An Objectivist Individualist: Further Evidence of Biden's Cognitive Decline -- H... : If you were an elderly person in a state of rapid cognitive decline, but still early in the process, you would not choose a man for your Pub...

Pain Advocates Speak Out

Dr. Kline explains why we have so many prescriptions: NO REFILLS ARE ALLOWED. In Canada, he can write one prescription with 3 refills. In the US that requires 3 prescriptions to Canada's one. THE CDC AND DEA ARE FUDGING THE NUMBERS.

Meet the Doctor Who Refuses to Stop Prescribing Opioids to Pain Patients


Your medical records are no longer private.


Fireside Chat Ep. 125 — Coronavirus: Panic or Pandemic?


This is What Climate Change Looks Like - March 4th 2020 (Watch in 1080HD)

Alarmists keep pointing out that climate change is a long slow process. As such it doesn't happen at a pace you can see - and an early Spring isn't an indication of climate change. It's just an early Spring. We WILL get paid back in spades next year, the year after, and the year after.

Nancy Grace Learns On Air That Families Cannot Sue Pharma For Vaccine In...


Joe Biden Should Be Scared of This Video


MIT Biologist says Wuhan virus fear mongering is a fraud to manipulate economies

MIT Biologist says Wuhan virus fear mongering is a fraud to manipulate economies : MIT biologist and the man who claims to have invented email, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, does research almost every day into the immune system. He says the fear-mongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the biggest frauds to manipulate economies, suppress dissent, & push MANDATED Medicine!” As an MIT PhD …

IMG 0137

Why do people like Gillibrand conflate pain patients with addicts? All post surgical pain is different. And it's actually illegal for anyone to interfere with a physician's treatment of a patient. There IS a law for that. CASE LAW Linder v. U. S.: "Direct control of medical practice in the states is beyond the power of the Federal government. Congress therefore, cannot directly restrict the professional judgment of the physician or interfere with its free exercise in the treatment of disease. Federal power is delegated, and its prescribed limits must not be transcended even though the end seems desirable."

Commentary: Stapling Green Cards to Diplomas Is Stupid and Suicidal

Commentary: Stapling Green Cards to Diplomas Is Stupid and Suicidal "Kirk displayed his cluelessness about immigration policy and law by claiming at OSU that green cards provide only “temporary” residency (it’s permanent) and don’t lead to U.S. citizenship (they provide a direct path). He also showed an abject lack of “logical sense” when he argues that America should put all temporary F-1 visa holders on the path to citizenship because we shouldn’t “export intellectual investment that we made within our own university.” The original intent of the F-1 program was to invest in foreign students’ education in order to benefit America by creating goodwill ambassadors who return to their home countries, not to create cheap workers for U.S. companies. Kirk and the tech lobby argue that since we educate F-1 students, we shouldn’t send them home. Yet, every foreign student is required to certify on the I-20 form, as a condition of admission, that: 'I seek to enter ...

Outrage after John Wayne's old interview resurfaces

The media twisted what people said back then and took comments out of context just like they do now. Don’t believe the media’s take. Believe his son

Dr. Oz Argues Coronavirus Numbers from Korea Show Lower Death Rate - May...


Pandemic Or Dem Panic? | The Michael Knowles Show Ep. 507


Farmers Are Hacking Their Tractors Because of a Repair Ban


Gutfeld on Chuck Schumer's 'threat'




Surgeon General on coronavirus: The risk is low to the average American


'Greta Thunberg never talks about the science': Anti-Greta sensation Nao...


McConnell, Schumer trade jabs after Schumer unloads on Gorsuch, Kavanaugh


Myth 13: Everyone should go to a pain clinic

Steroid injections for pain are $1,000/ea. You can't get pain meds unless you've tried them first. News flash: Steroid injections are NOT safe. They destroy tissue.

Myth 12: Alternatives to pain medicine are safe and effective


Joe Biden - 17 Minutes Of Joe's Melting Brain

How can anyone vote for this?

Robert Bryce on his new book: A Question of Power: Electricity and the W...


Tasmania snow concludes Australia's summer of extremes


Merapi Eruption - 3/03/2020 05:26:52 WIB (fullscreen) (via klangon)


Maxine Waters Moronic Moments

Well, we always knew what Maxine was about.


He'd have been a bloomin' dictator

Mike Bloomberg’s History of ‘Nanny State’ Regulation | Larry Elder


End Of Winter Climate Report


IT IS TIME TO ACT 02-29-20


Watch Out for Trump Derangement Syndrome | Larry Elder Show


Multiculturalism is nonsense ft. Andrew Klavan | #TruthStraightUp
